GPS Coordinates: (Latitude, Longitude, Elevation)
Parking Location: 35.77353, -92.93273, 1278 feet
Landslide Falls: 35.78140, -92.92160, 1452 feet
Pet Friendly: Yes, dogs on or off leash should be OK.
Motorcycle Friendly: No. This is several miles down a dirt road that is not maintained well. Past Falling Water Falls, this road normally has lots of potholes.
GPS files (.gpx format):
GPS files (.gpx format):
Landslide Falls GPS Track
After Dan Frew and I finished our marathon hike bushwhacking through the upper Richland Wilderness, we were ready to rest and recharge. But still, Landslide Falls was right on the way. Heck, you can almost drive to it. So we decided to see if we still had enough gas in the tank for one last hike today.
Landslide Falls |
After passing the Richland campground entrance, we soon came to the area where a landslide had occurred years ago. We parked at the landslide area on the south end near the creek and hiked up.
The waterfall is less than a quarter of a mile from the road, and almost half of that is walking in the open at the edge of the landslide area. At the top of the landslide area, cross over the creek and hike upstream. The creek runs through a steep canyon below the waterfall, and it is easiest to just hike up the creek bed if water flow permits. Today, the creek was fortunately flowing pretty well, so we had to hike along the side as best we could.
Often, even when there is some flow over Landslide Falls, the creek itself will be dry for a distance below the waterfall where it goes under ground. Today was the best flow I have seen, with the creek running well all the way into Falling Water Falls. As beat as we were, I was still glad we made this short hike and caught it with good water flow. Highly recommended anytime there is ample water.
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GPS track - Landslide Falls |
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